Environment Minister Criticizes U.S. Policy - Washington Post

 カトリーナについては、みなさんご存知でしょうが、それとドイツについてのニュースがありました。このハリケーンに関連して、ドイツの環境大臣であるJuergen Trittinが

"The American president closes his eyes to the economic and human damages that are inflicted on his country and the world economy by natural disasters, like Katrina, through neglected climate protection,"

と述べました。つまり、カトリーナの原因としてはブッシュ政権が気候保護(climate protection)を怠ってきたことがあるといって、アメリカの現政権を批判しています。

While much of the world has reacted with shock and sympathy to the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, senior government leaders in Germany warned the United States to expect more natural catastrophes if it did not get serious about global warming.


Complacency will no longer suffice, especially if experts are right in warning that global warming may increase the intensity of future hurricanes. But since this administration won't acknowledge that global warming exists, the chances of leadership seem minimal.*1
