知性と天使の研究 その2 ロバート・ボイルと天使


And since the Angels are a Nobler Order of Intellectual Creatures than Men, and are not Unconcern'd Spectators of the Works of God: How do we know, but that in the Systeme of That Part of Heaven, of which we need Telescopes to Know that there is such a thing in rerum Natura; and in the Plants, Animals, or other furniture, what ever it be, of those Particular, and to Our naked Eyes Invisible, Stars, that serve Us men barely for Declarations of their Makers Power; such Intelligent Spirits as Angels may discern as Wise Destinations, and as Admirable Contrivances, as Those, which at the forming of the Earth and its Furniture, invited their devout Hymns and Acclamations?*1


The Works of Robert Boyle, Part II (The Pickering Masters)

The Works of Robert Boyle, Part II (The Pickering Masters)

*1:Robert Boyle, A Disquisition about the Final Causes, in The Works of Robert Boyle, ed. Michael Hunter and Edward B. Davis, vol. 11 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2000), 122-23.