
テミスティオスの知性論とその解釈 Mahoney, "Themistius and the Agent Intellect" #2

Edward P. Mahoney, "Themistius and the Agent Intellect in James of Viterbo and other Thirteenth Century Philosophers (Saint Thomas, Siger of Brabant and Henry Bate)," Augustiniana 23 (1973), 422–67. ヴィテルボのヤコブス(ca. 1255–1307/8)…


Two Greek Aristotelian Commentators on the Intellect: The De Intellectu Attributed to Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Themistius' Paraphrase of Aristotle De Anima, 3.4-8 (Mediaeval Sources in Translation)作者: Frederic Maxwell Schroeder,Robe…