- Christoph Helmig and Mauro Bonazzi, Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in Antiquity (Louvain: Leuven University Press, 2008).
- 作者: Christoph Helmig,Mauro Bonazzi
- 出版社/メーカー: Leuven Univ Pr
- 発売日: 2008/01/01
- メディア: ハードカバー
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
This book examines the important but largely neglected issue of the interrelation between Platonism and Stoicism in Ancient Philosophy. Several renowned specialists in the fields of Stoic and Platonic analyse the intricate mutual influences between Stoic and Platonic philosophers in the Hellenistic period, the Imperial Age, and after. Although it has been repeatedly claimed that the phenomenon addressed in this book could best be labelled eclecticism, it emerges from the various articles collected here that the situation is much more complicated. Far from being eclectics, most Stoics and Platonists consciously appropriated their material in order to integrate it into their own philosophical system. The dialogue between Platonists and Stoics testifies to active debate and controversy on central topics such as psychology, epistemology, physics, and ethics. This book will deepen our understanding of the dialogue between different philosophical schools in Antiquity. The results presented here teach one clear lesson: Platonism and Stoicism were by no means monolithic blocks, but were continuously moulded by mutual influence and interaction.
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Thomas Bénatouïl
- Le débat entre platonisme et stoïcisme sur la vie scolastique: Chrysippe, la Nouvelle Académie et Antiochus
- Francesca Alesse
- Alcuni esempi della relazione tra l'etica stoica e Platone
- Sophie Aubert
- La lecture stoïcienne du laconisme à travers le filtre de Platon
- Valéry Laurand
- L'Érôs pédagogique chez Platon et les Stoïciens
- John Stevens
- Platonism and Stoicism in Vergil's Aeneid
- Mauro Bonazzi
- Eudorus' psychology and Stoic ethics
- Teun Tieleman
- Onomastic Reference in Seneca. The Case of Plato and the Platonists
- Brad Inwood
- Seneca, Plato and Platonism: the case of Letter
- Robert Sharples
- The Stoic Background to the Middle Platonist discussion of Fate
- Christopher Gill
- Marcus Aurelius' Meditations: How Stoic and How Platonic?
- Riccardo Chiaradonna
- Platonismo e Teoria della Conoscenza Stoica tra II e III secolo d.C.
- Gretchen Reydams-Schils
- Calcidius on God
- Bibliography
- Indices