
信仰の領域と哲学の領域 Pesce, "Il Consensus Veritatis di Christoph Wittich"

Mauro Pesce, "Il Consensus Veritatis di Christoph Wittich e la distinzione tra verità scientifica e verità biblica," in L'ermeneutica biblica di Galileo e le due strade della teologia cristiana (Rome: Storia e Letteratura, 2005), 175–195. …

スピノザの聖書学への貢献 Curley, "Spinoza’s Biblical Scholarship"

Spinoza: Theologisch-politischer Traktat (Klassiker Auslegen 54) (German Edition) De Gruyter Akademie Forschung Amazon Edwin Curley, "Spinoza’s Biblical Scholarship (Chapter 8–10)," in Baruch de Spinoza: Theologisch-politischer Traktat, ed…

スピノザとヘブライ人国家 Totaro, "Der Theologisch-politische Traktat im Kontext seiner Zeit"

Spinoza: Theologisch-politischer Traktat (Klassiker Auslegen 54) (German Edition) De Gruyter Akademie Forschung Amazon Pina Totaro, "Der Theologisch-politische Traktat im Kontext seiner Zeit," in Baruch de Spinoza: Theologisch-politischer …

スピノザの限定された読書 Steenbakkers, "Das Wort Gottes und die wahre Religion"

Spinoza: Theologisch-politischer Traktat (Klassiker Auslegen 54) (German Edition) De Gruyter Akademie Forschung Amazon Piet Steenbakkers, "Das Wort Gottes und die wahre Religion: Das Fazit von Spinozas Bibelkritik (Kapitel 11–12)," in Baru…

文献学の神学からの解放 Van Miert, Emancipation of Biblical Philology

The Emancipation of Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1590-1670 (English Edition) 作者:van Miert, Dirk OUP Oxford Amazon Dirk van Miert, The Emancipation of Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic 1590-1670 (Oxford: Oxford Unversi…

聖書学と宗派的利害 Hardy, Criticism and Confession

Criticism and Confession: The Bible in the Seventeenth Century Republic of Letters (Oxford-Warburg Studies) (English Edition) 作者:Hardy, Nicholas OUP Oxford Amazon Nicholas Hardy, Criticism and Confession: The Bible in the Seventeenth Cen…

スピノザとメイエル Preus, "A Hidden Opponent in Spinoza's Tractatus"

J. Samuel Preus, "A Hidden Opponent in Spinoza's Tractatus" Harvard Theological Review. 88(1995): 361-388. この論文でJ. Samuel Preusは、スピノザがマイモニデスに帰して批判している見解が実はメイエルの見解であること、及びスピノザがアルパカル…

メナセとスピノザの年代学 Fisher, "God’s Word Defended"

Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God's Word Questioned (English Edition) 作者:Nellen, Henk OUP Oxford Amazon Benjamin Fisher, "God’s Word Defended: Menasseh ben Israel, Biblical Chronology, and the Erosi…

ソッツィーニからレモンストラント派へ Daugirdas, "The Biblical Hermeneutics of Socinians and Remonstrants"

Arminius, Arminianism, and Europe: Jacobus Arminius, (1559/60-1609) (Brill's Series in Church History, 39) Brill Amazon Kęstutis Daugirdas, "The Biblical Hermeneutics of Socinians and Remonstrants in the Seventeenth Century," in Arminius, …

改革派神学における聖書の無謬性 Muller, Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics

Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy, Ca. 1520 to Ca. 1725 (002) 作者:Muller, Richard A. Baker Academic Amazon Richard A. Muller, Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development …

スピノザと聖書外の史料(3) Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics"

Anthony Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics: Some Heretical Thoughts," in Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God's Word Questioned, ed. Dirk van Miert, Henk Nellen, Piet Steenbakkers, Jetze Touber (Oxford: Ox…

スピノザと聖書外の史料(2) Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics"

Anthony Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics: Some Heretical Thoughts," in Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God's Word Questioned, ed. Dirk van Miert, Henk Nellen, Piet Steenbakkers, Jetze Touber (Oxford: Ox…

スピノザと聖書外の史料(1) Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics"

Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God's Word Questioned (English Edition) 作者:Nellen, Henk OUP Oxford Amazon Anthony Grafton, "Spinoza’s Hermeneutics: Some Heretical Thoughts," in Scriptural Authority an…

聖なる歴史における革命 Levitin, "From Sacred History to the History of Religion"

www.cambridge.org Dmitri Levitin, "From Sacred History to the History of Religion: Pagans, Jews and Christians in European Historiography from the Reformation to 'Enlightenment'" Historical Journal 55 (2022): 1117–1160. このエッセイ・レビ…

スピノザと預言者 James, Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics

Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics: The Theologico-Political Treatise 作者:James, Susan Oxford University Press, USA Amazon Susan James, Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics: The Theologico-Political Treatise (Oxford: O…

スピノザの聖書学への貢献 Steenbakkers, "Spinoza in the History of Biblical Scholarship"

The Making of the Humanities: Early Modern Europe Amsterdam Univ Pr Amazon Piet Steenbakkers, "Spinoza in the History of Scholarship," in The Making of the Humanities. Vol. 1 Early Modern Europe, ed. Rens Bod, Jaap Maat, and Thijs Weststei…

スピノザの聖書解釈の革新性 Nadler, "The Bible Hermeneutics of Baruch de Spinoza"

Steven Nadler, "The Bible Hermeneutics of Baruch de Spinoza," in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation. Vol. 2: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenmented, ed. Magne Sæbø (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 2008…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(9) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. Malcolmは最後にホッブズについて論じる。ホッブズは「神の言葉」を二種類に区別した…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(8) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. Malcolmはここで新たな問いを立てる。ホッブズ、ラ・ペイレール、スピノザらの議論の…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(7) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. Malcolmは、イブン・エズラ、トスタトゥス、マシウス、ペレイラ、ア・ラピデ、ボンフ…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(6) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. 続いてMalcolmは、トスタトゥス以降にモーセ五書のうちにモーセに由来しない言葉を認…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(5) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. 続いてMalcolmは、イブン・エズラの後に、モーセ五書の著者の問題についての批判的な…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(4) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Aspects of Hobbes 作者:Malcolm, Noel Oxford University Press, USA Amazon Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. 続いてM…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(3) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Aspects of Hobbes 作者:Malcolm, Noel Oxford University Press, USA Amazon Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. 続いてM…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(2) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Aspects of Hobbes 作者:Malcolm, Noel Oxford University Press, USA Amazon Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. 続いてM…

誰がモーセ五書を書いたか(1) Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible"

Aspects of Hobbes 作者:Malcolm, Noel Oxford University Press, USA Amazon Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes, Ezra, and the Bible: The History of a Subversive Idea," in Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 383–431. この論…

スピノザの聖書批判とその目的 Harrisville and Sundberg, The Bible in Modern Culture

The Bible in Modern Culture: Theology and Historical-Critical Method from Spinoza to Kasemann 作者:Harrisville, Roy A.,Sundberg, Walter Eerdmans Pub Co Amazon Roy A. Harrisville and Walter Sundberg, The Bible in Modern Culture: Theology an…