Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources
- 作者: Katerina Ierodiakonou
- 出版社/メーカー: OUP Oxford
- 発売日: 2004/05/06
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 4回
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- George Karamanolis, "Plethon and Scholarios on Aristotle," 253-82
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- Christian Fathers (4th-8th century)
- Basil the Great (329-79)
- Gregory of Nyssa (335-94)
- Nemesius (4th-5th century)
- Pseudo-Dionysius (end 5th century)
- Procopius of Gaza (460-530)
- Maximus the Confessor (580-662)
- John of Damascus (ca. 650-ca. 749)
- Byzantine humanism (9th-10th century)
- Leo the Philosopher (the Mathematician) (ca. 790-after 869)
- Photios (820-91)
- Arethas (ca. 850-944)
- The period of the Comneni (11th-12th century)
- Michael Psellos (1018-78)
- John Italos (ca. 1025-82)
- Theodore of Smyrna (end 11th century)
- Eustratious of Nicaea (ca. 1050-1120)
- Michael of Ephesus (ca. 1050-1129)
- Nicholas of Methone (d. 1165)
- The empire of Nicaea
- Nikephoros Blemmydes (1197-1272)
- Thedore Ii Laskaris (1233-58)
- Manuel Holobolos (fl. 1267)
- The Palaeologan perio (13th-15th century)
- George Pachymeres (1242-1310)
- Maximos Planoudes (ca. 1255-ca. 1305)
- Leo Magetinos (13th century)
- Theodore Metochites (1270-1332)
- John Pediasimos (d. 1341)
- Joseph Philagrios (end 14th century)
- John Chortasmenos (1370-1436)
- Barlaam of Calabria (ca. 1290-1348)
- Nikephoros Gregoras (1290/93-1358/61)
- Gregory Palamas (ca. 1296-1359)
- Nicholas Kabasilas (d. 1371)
- Demetrios Kydones (ca. 1324-97/98)
- Prochoros Kydones (ca. 1333-69/70)
- George Gemistos Plethon (ca. 1360-ca. 1453)
- Goerge Trapezountios (1395-1472)
- Theodore Gazes (1400-76/78)
- Andronikos Kallistos (1400-86)
- George Scholarios Gennadios (ca. 1400-72/74)
- Bessarion (1403-72)
- Michael Apostoles (1420-80)
- Benakis, L. "Bibliographie internationale sur la philsophie byzantine (1949-1990)," in Bibliographie byzantine publiée à l'occasion du XVIIIe Congrès international d’Etudes byzantines, 319-77. Athens: Académie d'Athènes, 1991
- Podskalsky, Gerhard. Theologie und Philosophie in Byzanz: d. Streit um d. theol. Methodik in d. spätbyzantin. Geistesgeschichte (14.-15. Jh.), seine systemat. Grundlagen u. seine histor. Entwicklung. Munich: Beck, 1977.
- Wilson, Nigel Guy. Scholars of Byzantium. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.